VR Prototyping

I spent some time looking into the Unity engine on Meta Quest in order to prototype some Spatial Audio experiences that were hypothesized. This would allow my group to deliver experiences without involving finished hardware, complicated set-ups, or custom environments. We could quickly power through some planned experiences to evaluate their potential benefits – and if any passed muster, we could then develop true spatialized experiences using real hardware. That way we’d already have some iterations under our belt and also know if the seed of the idea seemed to have demonstrable merit.

Here is a quick capture of some of the experiences, all rendered out in spatial audio while wearing the headset, some using line of sight (gaze direction and hit detection).

These experiences were baked into a single app ad a platform where we could add more experiences over time, or cater them to a particular audience by including some and removing others. All were captured using 360º video and deploying to the interior of a sphere, and placing elements around the viewer – with audio controls.

This system proved very beneficial as we were able to quickly evaluate over a dozen different approaches and experiences – narrowing them down to a few select experiences to realize using actual hardware (headphones, devices). And learning C# wasn’t that difficult – I found it FAR more approachable than Kotlin for Android.

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