Wouldn’t it be efficient and wonderful if all points of team contact and team sharing of ideas documents, large system disk images, polls, etc. could all be located within the same software package?
Right now we have Confluence, Teams, Trello, Outlook, Slack, WorkDay, One Drive, iCloud, and more. You know that thing someone sent to you a few weeks ago? That thing you want to reference? Ya. Good luck remembering exactly where that was sourced.
If someone could take the best of all the systems available – and rolled it up into a multi-platform, multi-device software offering, they could make a fortune. Sometimes we’ll start with Trello – and then the project gains some step and needs file storage because the email system will only accommodate files up to a certain storage allotment. And there are wikis in Confluence, and wikis in Teams, and wikis built on open-source software, and one wants to share all types of information, documentation, etc.
And you would like to notify people on projects of changes – and some systems allow for that and some don’t. And there are legacy systems laying in hidden areas. And your intranet is pieced together from all kinds of different technologies that you’re never quite sure where to find something specific and you can’t search across all those domains at once.