It’s time. It’s been time. It begins now.
My recent domain transfer and renewal got me to decide to clean things up around here… this subdomain is so screwed up right now that I cannot upgrade my WordPress installation and I couldn’t be bothered to perform a manual installation.
I have my main domain which contains nothing but old cruft  that simply does nothing but rot.
I have an apps subdomain which is required to serve as support for my deployed iOS application development by Apple. I plan on maintaining that – it’s in decent shape.
My plans are as follows (for the few visitors I may get at any time – or more likely solely for my own benefit really)…
- Backup my main domain and clean it out. It will serve me as a forking landing page for all the subdomains and perhaps an about and contact form. Simple as that. There is stuff dating back to 2001 in there.
- Polish up the subdomain – make sure it’s clean of any file clutter and button down the hatches.
- Update the subdomain – and have that serve as the sole location for blog posts. There isn’t much there at the moment, so this should be pretty peaceful.
- Clean out the subdomain. There is a lot of stuff there – much which I will migrate to the blog. Here will reside UI/UX design and presentations. I will also link up repositories. This will be more like a development gallery than blog. I can for-see some overlap with the blog in this regard however…