Open Source AS3 Scrum Tool?
I am not sure how active the non-gaming Flash development community is. I am not sure if anyone will see this blog post as I’ve become a whimper on the thorax of an ant in terms of blogging activity. So… I am thinking of starting up work on an open source scrum tool. Why?
I’ve seen plenty of web-based and other scrum tools that require a monthly fee, free couple team member one project deals, etc. While they might be pretty good, they aren’t free and also powerful. I am looking to bridge that gap with something powerful, free, and open source so if there is something you’d like to add or modify, you can. Make it your own tool – check in a branch.
Is there any appetite for such a thing? I’ve already started coding up the UI and have about half of the Backlog coded. It’s not a small project… and realizing this I wondered about the open source angle. Get a bunch of talented people chewing on this thing and create something powerful, beautiful and available to any and all who would like to use it.
My personal cadence outside of work hours is slow… so in my own interests and those who’d like to download and use something for their own development – this makes sense to me.
Let me know and I can post up to github.
Go, GO, Goooooooo
may I have more info about this project?
I’m really interesting on it.
I often use Flash/AIR for non-gaming development, although when it comes to Agile development I tend to use PivotalTracker or similar. Anyway, if it’s some tool I don’t have the opportunity to use, or something not much people (including myself) would contribute to, it’s always interesting to see others’ projects.